Underneath the pyramid roof and opposite the bus station, this busy building is more than a place of worship. Purpose built for community use, we are home to many groups.


The church building with the front gates open



Our services take place at 11am on Sunday mornings and are also streamed online. You are welcome to join us in person or via our live broadcast on our YouTube channel as we come together in worship. 

You can also view one of our recent services on our website here.




What we believe

Christ Church is both the Methodist and United Reformed Church in Uxbridge.  We have one membership and are part of both denominations. Our mission statement is as follows:


“The purpose of Christ Church is to show the love of God in the heart of Uxbridge by being a worshipping, caring community which accepts people as they are and helps them live life to the full.”


Our founding vision for this church is to be a place of care in the urban community of Uxbridge, because as Christians that is our challenge.


By offering a safe and comfortable place to the community, we believe we begin to share God’s call to wholeness, justice and peace for all.

~ The love of God in the heart of Uxbridge ~



An Inclusive Church

Christ Church is also an Inclusive Church.  Inclusive Church is a group of Christians uniting together around our statement of belief:


“We believe in inclusive Church – church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.”