Good Grief - 12th - 27th March 2016 - a exhibition featuring a set of sculptures by Jean Parker

An exhibition of sculptures by Jean Parker

From 12th to 27th March 2016, Christ Church is hosting an exhibition featuring a collection of eight sculptures illustrating the feelings of grief and loss.  The sculptures in this exhibition were born as a reflection of Jean Parker’s own experience of cancer.  The eight terracotta heads emerged during the course of a seven-day silent retreat, and present a powerful and unique visual exploration of the grief process.  These relate not only to loss of health, but also to significant loss of any kind.  The hope is that the exhibition will help stimulate discussion and the understanding of powerful emotions, which can feel overwhelming.

Good Grief - a set of sculptures by Jean Parker - Christ Church, Uxbridge 12th - 27th March 2016

To see these images as transitional stages and part of a natural process experienced by many may prove helpful and reassuring, offering glimpses of hope when all seems lost.  The emotions expressed in the sculptures – Denial, Disbelief, Questioning, Anger, Depression, Acceptance, Healing and Peace – are all part of this natural process.

Grief is a journey everyone makes at some time.  It is the aim of this exhibition to enable that to be a journey towards Peace.

The sculptures will be located in the church and can be seen whenever the building is open.  Official opening times are:

Tuesdays, 10am-3pm
Wednesdays, 5-8pm
Thursdays, 10am-3pm
Saturdays, 10am-12noon

Special events include:

Saturday 12th March, 11.00am, official opening, with talk by Jean Parker
Sunday 13th March, 11.00am morning worship, with Jean Parker
Good Friday, 25th March, 10.00am-12.00noon, time for reflection
Saturday 26th March, 1.00pm, ‘Thanks for the Memory’ a service for all who have someone they want to remember
Easter Sunday, 27th March, 11.00am morning worship


This article was first published in the February 2016 issue of Look-In, our monthly church magazine.  To download the full issue, please click here: Look-In Feb 2016


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Good Grief/Bald Statements – 12th to 27th March
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