Easter is a key part of our church calendar and many of us are particularly missing being able to come together as a church community to worship at this time. Although we are unable to meet in person, there are many resources available online to help us continue to come together remotely in worship and prayer.
On Good Friday, we held a virtual walk of witness on our Twitter page. If you were unable to join us for this, you can now read the full text here.
On Easter Sunday, we will be live-streaming some Easter hymns on Facebook at 11am and we hope you can join in and sing along at home.
Easter resources from the URC
- The URC Daily Devotions’ Easter Sunday service at 10am is led by the Rev’d Dr John Bradbury from Downing Place URC, Cambridge with music from Ian de Massini. You can read the service or listen to it here. The service includes an opportunity to share Holy Communion so you may like to prepare some bread and wine or juice. This is optional.
- You can read a reflection on Easter Sunday from Reuben Watt, Moderator of the United Reformed Church Youth Assembly here.
- The URC also has a list of churches who are live-streaming services during this period.
- If you would like to sign up to the Daily Devotions email list, you can do so here.
Easter resources from the Methodist Church
- There are a list of at-home services and links to selected live-streamed services for Holy Week and Easter on the Methodist Church website here.
- You can find service sheets for Easter to use or read at home here.
- A prayer of the day is posted each day on the Methodist Church website here.
Youth Resources
- The Boys Brigade have put together two devotionals for Easter Sunday as part of their #BBatHome resources. The under-11s devotional is led by Rev’d Rachel Bunting, Leader at 1st Swansea Eastside.
- The over-11s devotional is led by Revd Stewart Cutler, Chaplain of 1st Stonehouse.