We’ve tried our best to keep in touch with our Brigade families via email since March, and it’s been really great to have been able to have had a couple of Church Parades in which our youngsters were able to take part.  But what we have really missed this year is all the celebrations at the end of the BB/GB year – our Display, Awards Evening and Barbeque.


A few weeks ago in a newsletter Paul mentioned that we were planning a BB/GB Big Virtual Get Together for the end of July.  Well, it happened last Friday, 31st July.  We were joined on Zoom by 20 or so of our families – including one family who joined us from Bulgaria where they were visiting relatives – for an incredible evening.


We asked our youngsters to send in a video of themselves showcasing their talents, and what a lot of talent they have – football, playing the piano, recorder, drums and violin, computer animation, dancing, gymnastics, trampolining, canoeing and paddle boarding, singing, and a variety of different crafts.  There was a look back at previous displays and events in “A Blast from the Past” and the Anchor Boys and Explorers treated us to a very special rendition of “Our God is a Great Big God” which you can watch below.  The words in this song are so pertinent for the times we are in at the moment, reminding us that “Our God is a great big God and He holds us in His hands”.




Graham Hinton led us in a closing thought and prayer and there was a final and very important message from the Leaders:





We want to give a very big thank you to Michael for all his work in putting everything together for us for the evening.  His amazing talent enabled us to do this event and make it such a special occasion for everyone who took part and watched.

Stephanie and Paul

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BB/GB Big Virtual Get Together
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