Update on reopening our church building

Dear members and friends of Christ Church


Following much hard work by church members and the church staff, we plan to begin holding services at Christ Church from Sunday 11th October 2020 at 11 am.


This, and following services, will be broadcast online, and can be viewed live through the church Facebook page in the same way that services have been held since April. Therefore, services will continue to be available for those who do not wish to attend the building.


The camera to enable the broadcasting to take place will be at the back of the chapel and so faces of the congregation will not be seen in the broadcast. There will be some seating available outside of the camera view.


We will comply fully with government guidelines and therefore the following points need to be noted:


  • A record of those attending will be kept for the purposes of track and trace.
  • Face masks must be worn by members of the congregation while in the building.
  • No hymn books, service sheets or other material will be available for issue. If you wish to have a Bible please bring your own.
  • There will be no congregational singing of hymns
  • Social distancing must be observed in the building and the seating in the chapel will be arranged accordingly.
  • Movement around the building will be limited – there will be no access to the kitchen and meeting rooms.
  • There will be no refreshments available and at the end of the service all should leave the building with as little delay as possible.


In order to make a prompt start please arrive by 10.50am and take your seat in the chapel.


Please note that the building continues to be closed at other times while further plans continue to be made for other activities taking place.


We pray God’s blessing on our continuing life as a church, and look forward in hope as we maintain our witness and service in his name.

Brian Moere and Peter King (Acting Church Secretaries)

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Update on reopening our church building
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